AAlabama Reading InitiativeAlabama Literacy Act Resources to Help You Help Your StudentParent Resources
BBuildings & GroundsMaintenance Request for Proposal/BidMaintenance Request for Proposals/BidsMaintenance Request for Proposals/BidsMaintenance Request for Proposal/BidsMaintenance Request Proposal/BidsMaintenance Request for Proposal/BidsMaintenance Request for Proposal/Bids
CChild NutritionLunchroom LocationsUSDA Non-Discrimination Statement EnglishUSDA non-Discrimination Statement SpanishCivil Rights Compliance and Discrimination Complaint ProcedureSealed bids are being accepted from the public for CNP surplus equipment.Accommodating Special Dietary Needs in the School Nutrition ProgramDiet Prescription for Meals at SchoolDiet Prescription for meals at School SPANISHSummer Food Service Program/Kids Eat Free/Break for a Plate AlabamaLINQ CONNECTCOLLECTION OF RACE AND ETHNICITY DATA FOR SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAMSNotice to Beneficiaries and Prospective BeneficiariesCNP Public Release
CounselingAlabama Financial Aid ProgramsFinancial Aid LinksClay County Schools Counseling PlanAltapointe On-site Mental Health Counseling FormsAltaPointe Health Systems
CurriculumCollege PREPCourses of Study, Curriulum Guides, and Extended StandardsALL CONTENT AREAS: Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes (K-12)ALL Content Areas: Research PapersMathEnglish/Language ArtsScienceDistance Learning LinksFAQ Alabama Literacy Act
Finance and BusinessCLAY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FINANCIAL SECTIONMessageMessageMonthly Financial ReportsAudit ReportsCurrent Year Budget Summary
Fiscal AccountabilityThe School Fiscal Accountability Act FINANCIALSACCOUNTABILITY REPORTSBUDGETAUDITRequest for Proposals/Bids
GGifted and TalentedClay County Schools Gifted Program PhilosophyClay County Schools' Gifted Program GoalsFACTS About GIFTEDClay County Schools Gifted Program ReferralsClay County Schools Gifted Program Evaluation ProceduresClay County Schools Gifted Program EligibilityClay County Schools Gifted Program Service Delivery OptionsTeacher Resources for Gifted Lesson PlansPAYING for COLLEGEGifted Standards
HHealth ServicesPOLICIES & PROCEDURESCONTACT INFORMATIONRecommended VaccinationsA Message from Dr. Scarlet Thomas, Director of Nursing and Health ServicesMeningococcal DiseaseHPV VaccineCOVID-19Flu VaccineLinks
PPreschool: Ready for Kindergarten?Preschool ResourcesPreschool Developmental Training Assistance for Parents and FamiliesPreschool Developmental StandardsChallenging Gifted Preschoolers
Prevention and SupportClay County Schools Harassment FormClay County Schools Harassment Form (Spanish)
RResponse to InstructionThe Crosswalk from RtI to 504 to IDEARtI Referral from Classroom Teacher--Documentation of Work Completed Prior to Referral to SPED Clay County Schools RtI PlanMoving Toward Student ProgressUnderstanding IQ
Special EducationParent Education Training for Parents of Students with Special NeedsChild FindMessageSpecial Education RightsSPECIAL EDUCATION TERMS: LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT (LRE)DERECHOS DE EDUCACION ESPECIAL SEGÊN LA LEY DE EDUCACIÓN DE PERSONAS CON DISABILITIDADS (IDEA)SPECIAL EDUCATION TERMS: TRANSITION SERVICESSpecial Education LinksSPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER TRAININGS The Crosswalk from RtI to 504 or IDEATranslated SPED DocumentsNot So Scary TransitionsAdapted PE IdeasSpecial Education Teacher LinksA Parent's Guide to Mental Health/Medicaid Waivers
TTechnologyWELCOME TO THE CLAY COUNTY SCHOOLS TECHNOLOGY HOMEPAGE!Staff MembersStudent LinksQuick LinksMembership & Certification'sFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)Teacher Links